CCM: Young people are the most vulnerable category when it comes to violating workers’ rights

The Youth Section of the Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia joins the celebration of the International Youth Day and supports the request for a new social contract based on the five key principles: labor rights, secure jobs, social protection, protection against discrimination and inclusion in society.

The Youth Section of CCM points out that since the beginning of the crisis caused by the coronavirus, almost 30 percent of the people who lost their jobs are young people under 29, which means that every fourth person who lost his job is a young person.

  • According to our data, most of the young people who lost their jobs had a fixed-term employment contract, which confirms the fact that young people are one of the most vulnerable categories of people when it comes to labor rights, work illegally, have fixed-term contracts, receive a lower salary than others and work in more precarious positions, is stated in the announcement from the Youth Section at CCM.

They want to limit fixed-term contracts from five to one year, after which the employment would be transformed into an indefinite one.

Only in that way, they say, will the brain drain be prevented and young people will see their perspective in their own country.

The Youth Section of CCM points out that they work on informing and educating young people and that a free mobile application “CCM-my labor rights” has been opened, where violations of labor rights can be reported.

  • The new mobile application is a new, modern and easily accessible tool for reporting, consulting and informing about workers’ rights in the shortest possible time. We encourage everyone, especially young people to use this application and get timely information about their labor rights, emphasized by the Youth Section at CCM.